Improvize, logiciels d'administration des droits d'auteur et patrimoniaux

Behind the Scenes,
a Dream Team.

Our tools are the combination of experience, knowledge, communication with our clients and the philosophy of the human beings behind the scenes.

I want to know more !

Why "Improvize" ?

In everyday language improvize means “making the best of things with the means you have at your disposal”.

The word has a negative connotation as it is often used when work is done hurriedly, in a rush. In a perfect world, receiving a catalogue of works, filing it, collecting royalties from a multitude of sources, analysing and paying them etc... would be a simple task. In real life however, files arrive at the last minute, are not in the correct format and codes are not universal... Our software solutions are not designed like sheet music that have to be followed note by note. On the contrary, we think of them as instruments you can use in ways adapted to any situation. Anyone familiar with music knows how important improvisation is, as the Holy Grail of the musician. It demands a simultaneous knowledge of theory, a command of an instrument and a capacity to create something new with others.

illustration representing a question

Improvize, a long and steady journey.

Throughout the years, Jean-Christophe Boggio has set high standards in building his software : always thinking ahead, adapting to the moving industry and never forgetting the end users. Curious ? Here is a preview of the highlights of the company.

  • 1989

    Creation of the company

    Jean Christophe Boggio decides to start working on his own software creating the entity Cabinet Jean-Christophe Boggio - not very original in its naming, I agree.

  • 1992

    Le Sage

    As a result of several encounters with people from the music industry, Joëlle Galante, Max Amphoux and Claude Kargès, Le Sage bit by bit becomes the french software that was missing for music publishers

  • 1999


    At that time there wasn't any alternative for the independent producers so Trema ordered the first Inpro. The same year, "Les presses de Sciences Po "ordered "Aïda", a software designed for the calculation of royalty statements for the books industry.

  • 2018

    new employee

    Emily Louyot joins Jean-Christophe to take care of assisting clients in their everyday task, and implementing legal contracts.

  • 2021

    What a team!

    The new project Karyo required a skilled team. 2 new employees, Madeleine and Antoine accepted the challenge.

  • 2021

    Hi Karyo

    The birth of Karyo, as a first step toward online services.

  • 2023

    Karyo is live!

    The first step towards online services. Improvize takes in new members to tackle the web developments, Ludivine and Lucas. Let’s see what comes up next !

Meet the talented individuals who make up our software development team. Our dedicated employees work tirelessly to create innovative and user-friendly solutions for our clients. With a wealth of experience and expertise our team is well-equipped to tackle any project.

We are proud to have such a skilled team working with us.

Contact us !

About our team...

  • Jean-Christophe Boggio, CEO & developer at Improvize


    CEO & developer

    Jean-Christophe has been writing custom made software since 1987 and specifically for the music industry since 1992.
    He is the main developer of all the Windows software. He always thinks one step ahead and things threw - from A to Z - before writing one letter of code. Takes more time to come to life but his software doesn't age.

    “ Un bureau ordonné est le signe d'un esprit dérangé. ”

    Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

    He likes listening to

    • The start of something beautiful
      Porcupine tree
    • Hajanga
      Jacob Collier
    • Fiddle and the drum
      A perfect circle
    • I will survive
    • Sir Duke
      Stevie Wonder
  • Emily, Business Developper at Improvize


    Business Developer

    Law graduate, she takes care of assisting you if you need help, training, or have any questions about intellectual property in general. She takes care of business development, planning, HR, administration, communication and feeding the developers with new ideas of features. In English, French or Spanish she'll be happy to give you the best of advice. Aware of the importance of being happy at work, she will try to make you laugh at least 5 times a day.

    “ Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. ”

    Oscar Wilde

    She likes listening to

    • A New Error
    • La femme argent
    • All day and all the night
      The kinks
    • I swear
      Sallie Ford & the sound System
    • Have Love Will Travel
      The Sonics
    Jean Christophe, PDG développeur chez Improvize
  • Madeleine, Designer at Improvize



    Her mission is to make us beautiful ! :) Her motto, make your experience the easiest and most pleasant possible.Unfortunately we can't say the same about everything that is around her desk : clumsy, not a day goes by without a stain appearing :).

    "Je crois au moment. S'il n'y a pas le moment, à ce moment-là, il faut arriver à ce moment-là, au moment qu'on veut..."


    She likes listening to

    • Glue
      Black Sea Dahu
    • Ceci n'est pas un cliché
      Charlotte Adigéry, Bolis Pupul
    • Under the influence
      The Chemical Brothers
    • Jockey full of bourbon
      Young Sun Nah
    • Should have known better
      Sufjan Stevens
    Madeleine, Designer at Improvize
  • Ludivine, Front-end developer at Improvize


    Front-end developer

    Never without her blanket nor her slippers (summer included), she goes over the mock-up with a finetooth comb ! Ludivine is our code superhero!

    “ La seule chose que je sais, c'est que je ne sais rien ! ”


    She likes listening to

    • Despair hangover & ecstasy
      The Dø
    • Vampire
      Mai Lan
    • Citizen erased
    • The high road
      Broken bells
    • Femme like U
    Ludivine, Front-end developer at Improvize
  • Ana, Customer Relationship Manager at Improvize


    Customer service

    You have a question ? Ana was specially hired to help you! Trained on our softwares, she will always try to help and explain how things work, and what would be the best option in your particular case. Very curious about her surroundings, she practises Krav-maga. Being around her never gets boring !

    “ L'oeuvre vit du regard qu'on lui porte. Elle ne se limite ni à ce qu'elle est ni à celui qui l'a produite, elle est faite aussi de celui qui la regarde ”

    Pierre Soulages

    She likes listening to

    • Trinity
      Snarky Puppy
    • Rhapsodie sur un thème de Paganini
    • Molasses
      Hiatus Kaiyote
    • Sight and Seen
      Shubh Saran
    • Perfect Day
      Lou Reed
    Ana, Customer service at Improvize
  • Lucas, Developer at Improvize



    Newly arrived, he comes to the help out our two code masters. Always positive and up for new projects, he is also in charge of a new application that will make our lives easier! Lucky us!

    " Learn from yesterday, live for today, look to tomorrow, rest this afternoon."

    Charles Schulz

    He likes listening to

    • Hole in the Earth
    • Ode to Viceroy
      Mac DeMarco
    • The Zephyr Song
      Red Hot Chili Peppers
    • The Snow Angel
      Mike Patton
    • Cheddar
    Lucas, Developer at Improvize

And now we would like
to know more about you !

Contact us

They trust us .

With the CNM's aid

Centre national de la musique

Would you like a demo ?

We would be happy to take time to show you how our tools can meet your needs and adapt to your way of working.

Don't hesitate, contact us !

Contact us